Types of permissible animals according the Hanafi school
Hanafi School divides food into three types
1. Insects – All Haram except Grasshoppers
2. Reptiles – Salamander is makruh/disliked
3. Rest of animals – birds, fish, etc. This is split into two types:
a) Predators/carnivores/birds of prey are Haram/prohibited
b) Herbivores –Dolphin makruh/highly disliked
Fish have two conditions
1. Whatever is known by the name fish
2. Arabs hate to eat it (not fish then)
Other water life that does not fit into this category are makhruh like prawns
It is disliked/makruh to eat camel/cow if they eat filth; you have to allow the chicken three days to eat clean food and the camel forty days.
Seven parts of an animal are Haram/prohibited to eat
1.the blood and arteries inside the meat
2. Male private area
3. Balls
4. Female private area
5. Glands
6. Bladder – large intestines and rectum
7. Spleen
There are three things that harm the body:
1. See effect -something that clearly effects the body like poison or eating glass is Haram/prohibited
2. Visible see the effect – does not kill – eating a rock – Disliked
3. Not visible straightaway but only hurts certain people – something that is better not to do
Animals that are slaughtered without pronouncing the name of Allah (wajib/necessary) are not permissible to eat if forgotten on purpose but if forgotten without intention then it’s okay.
When slaughtering three of the four must be cut, food tube, two arteries and air way
It is only permissible to eat haram/prohibited food in severe necessity. The definition of necessity is:
1. Without it you will die
2. Or you will lose the function of a limb – leg – five senses
3. Or you will have extreme pain
Kosher Jewish meat is permissible that is killed in the tradition way
The definition of dead meat/maitah is:
Any animal not slaughtered in Islamic way or an animal killed without being slaughtered
To train a hunting animal: it has to hunt something and not eat it three times and you have to send it saying Bismillah.

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