Part Seven of Seven
Seventh Session
The outward should not conflict the inward
The shariah should be followed; these are Allahs rulings
Applying the rulings of the scared law whilst spiritual journeying
They ascribe their good deeds to Allah
When they travel this way Allah bring them out of the darkness into the light
Ask Allah for success, pardon, pleasure and to be with the righteous
He witnesses that every blessing is from Allah
Allah created us and what we do
Our ability and deeds are created, however we are responsible for the action
A person will be asked about they are responsible for
Final session and Question and Answers
There is a summary of the shariah, the reality and spiritual journeying
Pharaoh, Harrun had great armies and empires but were oppressors; then final outcome was in favour of Musa (upon him peace)
They are in a persistent punishment now and will arrive at a greater punishment
The fire is presented to them in the morning and evening
Musa, Haroon and their followers are show bliss in the morning and evening
Our master Hassan ibn Ali cried near death; our master Hussain said, “Did not Ali, your mother Fatima and your grandfather the Messenger of Allah all die?” he replied, “I swear by Allah that I am not crying for sadness of death or for leaving the world but I fear that I will die and I will not travel as they travelled.”
This is the fear of someone truthful
We have ability to acquire deeds and we are responsible for that
When someone does something they are held in responsibility for their action
If someone sees a dream it has to be in the sacred law if it is not then the problem is with the person who saw it
Deem all obstacles as major
Directly yourself to Allah and have glad tidings
Do not seek to be protected from sin because that’s is for the Prophets (upon them peace)
If you make a mistake repent and return
Please see other parts
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven

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