Part Six of Seven
Sixth Session
Like the prayer needs to be directed to the Qibla likewise the prayer of the heart needs to be directed to the chosen one (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
This is uncovering of; if you follow me Allah will love you
Fear Allah and Allah will teach you
Allah mentions that we gave taught him knowledge about Khidr (Sura Al-Kaf)
This is a vast sphere
We ask Allah to gaze into hearts; and make this an opening for our hearts
Sura Takatur talks about different states of certainty, eye of certainty, knowledge of certainty and true certainty.
Entering paradise is the true certainty
Knowledge of certainty was that they heard about the gathering, eye of certainty is someone who saw us learning and the true certainty is when someone sits with us
There is a reality to every saying
The slave is given their wage upon completion and it remains to conclude the book
Please see other parts
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven

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Gazakallahu Khayran for your effort Sheikh. Masha Allah your blog always teaches me alot.