Part four of seven
Fourth Lesson
We spoke about out the outward rulings
The word Faqaha means to understand (the same word used for the Fiqh/Jurisprudence)
Faquha means someone with much understanding
Faqaha means someone who has changed
This is to know the ruling based on sound scholarship
500 verses in the Quran pertain to legal rulings and the verses of the Quran are over 6000
When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon) sent Mu’adh (may Allah be pleased with him) to Yemen and asked how he was going to Judge he said with the Book of Allah. He asked if you do not find it, then with the sunna, and if you will not find it then I will endeavour to use my opinion. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “All praise is to Allah who taught the messenger of the Messenger.”
There are things that have been transmitted canonically/tawatur so there was no need for anyone to to make ijtihad (try to find a ruling) on them
The companions would refer to leading companions if they had a question
Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) would gather the people of Badr to answer a question
Then there was a need for people who could make rulings so Allah (mighty and majestic) sent the Imams including the four Imams (Hanafi, Maliki, Shaf’i and Hanbali)
Then these school spread outside their areas to other lands
The founders of the schools were scrupulous and followed the prophetic example
Owais al-Qarni was good to his mother with a heart present with Allah; this is gave him a great station; he had dishelved hair, two garments but if he would make a prayer it would be accepted; it was said they he would intercede for two large tribes.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told Umar and Ali to seek his supplication
Their station was greater than his but this is manner in which we treat the poius
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) advised that they would find him in the groups that would come for major pilgrimage, from Yeman. Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) would ask the Yemeni's, if they were all there. They said yes but there was an old man who stayed behind looking after the flock of camels, near arf. They went there and found him praying towards a tree with camels around him; they gave him greetings. He finished his prayer returned the greetings, they asked him, “What is your name?” He said, “The slave of Allah.”
“All of creation is a slave of Allah, what name does your mother call you by?” asked Umar
“Son of Amr?”
“From the tribe of murad?”
“You had a mother and you were kind to her.”
Surprised he said, “Yes.”
“You had leprosy which you were healed from, except a place on your left shoulder.”
“Who explained my condition to you?”
“He is Umar leader of the believers and I am Ali ibn Abu Talib.”
He got up greeted them and said, “May Allah give you the best reward on behalf of the Muhammad nation.” Then he said, “Who informed you about me?”
“Allah and his Messenger.”
“He mentioned me by name?”
“Your name, your fathers and tribes name and all of your description.”
Owais cried and cried. Then he said, “May my father and mother be a ransom for you O’ Messenger of Allah.”
Then they asked, “Show us the spot on your left shoulder.” He showed it to them. They found it as it was described and they asked. “Seek forgiveness for us.”
“How can I seek forgiveness for you, when you are the companions of the Messenger of Allah, I ask you to seek forgiveness for me!”
“The Messenger of Allah ordered us to so.”
So he cried and supplicated for them. “Where do you want to go?”
“Would you like me to write a letter to the governor?”
“No, I love to be unknown.”
“When you reach that place I will send you provision and support.”
“I have tended to the camels for four silver coins. I have these two clothes. I do not need any provision or support. Where will we be at the basin of the Messenger?”
“Before you and I is a difficult ascent. No one will pass it except those who are light.”
Umar cried and hit the ground with a stick, “Who will take this caliphate with everything in it? I wish that I could leave it without anything for it or against it.”
They bade farewell after this
This was Owais Al-Qarni who reached a great station because he was kind to his mother out of faith
Please see other parts
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven

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