Patience, reward, gratitude and acceptance
“Certainly those who observe patience will be given their reward in full without measure.” The troops 39:10
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Whoever is afflicted in his wealth or health and does not complain; then it becomes Allah’s responsibility to reward him.” Tabarani
“Ayyub called out to his Lord, “I have been afflicted with harm and you are the most merciful of the merciful.” The Prophets 21:83
Please note that the Prophet Ayyub (upon him peace) did not complain despite his loss of health, family and wealth
The definition of patience is to withhold yourself in calamities
There are three types of patience/Sabr
1. Restrain yourself in calamities
2. Continue to obey
3. To restrain yourself from sin
Without patience someone will not be able to do much
(We know all the rewards for everything except patience - we do not know the reward of patience except that there is no account for it.)
Jaza’/impatience which is to fail to restrain yourself during tribulations by words or actions
Difficulties are: Expiation (for previous sins), Punishment (remove sins), Raising rank (one of the signs of this is to be comfortable with a problem or worship is easy
Sheikh Abdulqadir Al-Jilani stated about tribulations:
1. If it is punishment then you will not be able to bear it,
2. To be not pleased by it means it was an expiation for minor sins
3. If you are content then it is to increase your rank
Gratitude/Shukr is to be grateful; to know the gifts and accept
The Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Whoever is not thankful for a little will not be thankful for plenty.” (Imam Ahmed)
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Whoever does not thank the people has not thanked Allah.” Imam Ahmed and Tirmidhi
By thanking a person you are not doing Shirk, you are just thanking the giver
Rida/Acceptance is:
1) accepting inside but not outside,
2) acceptance internally and externally

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ReplyDeleteGazakallah Khayran Shaykh..I pray to Allah keep me patient obedient slave and guide me in this world.