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Thursday, December 26, 2019


Neighbours are something that none of us can escape. Unless we live in a farm somewhere! So a solution must be found to the issue that many of us face. We live in times in which people do evil and blame others. Somehow, the blame sticks on the innocent. The character that is encouraged in Islam is sometimes with the dominate monoculture and sometimes against it. Often it is against it and this can been seen clearly in history.

Being a good to a neighbour is not limited to Islam as its common in all religions. Somewhere along the line, we have all forgotten this.

Lost Goodness

Goodness is not harming ones neighbour firstly. How can ones neighbour be harmed? Here's a list: loud music, shouting frequently inside and outside the house, disturbing the peace, encroaching their land, allowing plants to grow on their land from yours, arguing and fighting with them, disturbing them, knowing they need help and allowing them to suffer, building on their land, doing something to reduce the value of their home. Each one of these needs along explanation.

Many neighbours play excessively loud music without care or concern, at different times of the day and night. This can disturb the neighbour and their sleeping patterns. You have the sin for as long as the disturbance lasts. Some parents do not discipline their children and let them run amok and blame others and not their lack of parenting. The parent has a sin for every second of their silence.

The child who shouts and screams should be advised to discontinue such behaviour and benefits should be taken away from him.

Some people block their neighbour's cars in by parking behind their parked cars. This is not only a security risk but also a dangerous act. They might need their cars in an emergency so get away from their driveway. If you say, it is fine to park behind a car or a driveway then you lose a point in the driving theory test.

Alternatively, allowing plants to grow into your neighbours land without trimming them. This is sinful and a disturbance and it is a sin as long as it is there.

Arguing and fighting with them for no reason, obviously physically fighting should never take place and nor verbal. If your neighbour tells you something then you should investigate and not ignore it. You could have a joint leak or a joint gutter problem.

Do not knock on your neighbour's door day and night wanting things. Knock when you know they are in and lower your gaze when they answer, avoid looking directly into the house. You should guard your neighbour's house from robbers. Deter criminals by calling the police.

Building on their land is also harmful way that the person can reduce the value of the neighbours house.

Putting a washing machine at night or having a party until 2am is also not a good idea. Especially when loud music is being played.

There should be not competition between neighbours but this is often the case. Dumb always follows dumber! Often you have one neighbour who does something then the whole street follows! Instead, copy a righteous act that is good because copying the material is a sign of bankruptcy. The hadith about the possibility of the neighbours inheriting is important. As it, show we have a link between other than is more than humanity. We should not ignore this link by treating them badly.

How should we be neighbours to non-Muslims?

This is a silly question in a number of ways because the greeting of Islam is as-Salam alikum which means upon you peace. We are not people who bring war everywhere; we bring peace, its warmongers.

The Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) had neighbours who would throw rubbish and thorns in his path. One day when the path was clear The Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) wanted to find out where the person was. Therefore, he went to visit him and found him ill. He (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) met them and offered Islam to him. The neighbour looked at his father who told him to obey Abu al-Qasim (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him). The sick neighbour accepted Islam and died.

The Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) taught us that we should repel their evil with goodness. At least not, return the evil they do to you. We have to be careful not to make ourselves into punching bags and there are limits. Defended ones rights are something neither neighbour should transgress. Even a branch over the property of a neighbour is a sin. Never mind doing something that will harm them physically.

Ibrahim (upon him peace) once invited a polytheist to eat with him, because it was Ibrahim's (upon him peace) habit to eat in company. When the polytheist started to eat, he pronounced the name of his idols and Ibrahim sent him away and told him that he could not eat with him. It was revealed by Allah (the Exalted) to Ibrahim (upon him peace) that He had providing for the polytheist all his life, so could not he once? Ibrahim (upon him peace) called the polytheist back and ate with him, and then informed him why. The polytheist accepts faith when he heard what happened.

Abu Hanifah (may Allah show him mercy) had a drunk neighbour who had lost a child, he was Jewish. He used to annoy him by singing songs, this continued for a while until one night he was not present, and the neighbour had been jailed. Abu Hanifah went to see the prince and demanded the release of his neighbour. The neighbour was overcome by this and accepted Islam. And became of Abu Hanifahs foremost students. This is not easy and I have seen worse tales of what neighbours do to each other.

These are examples of how we change things. Yet know we cannot change the hearts of people but we can find a place in them with goodness.

One of the most disturbing things I saw was a Muslim who extended his home to such an extent that the neighbour had no access to part of his home, especially for repairs. The disturbing part of this story that it warns people not to accept a Muslim as a neighbour because they will harm you.

There is such a thing as 'white flight' when a brown person moves into the area. Other people move out of that area because they fear a drop in the house prices. Sometimes this is has cause and sometimes the opposite.


Beware of harming anyone especially your neighbours because it is their right to be safe from your harm. Look to give people the benefit of the doubt and when you get to 70 excuses then start over at excuse one.

Excellent character  is one of the most powerful forms of dawah. Please see our article about Dawah.


People have to be aware that following honourable character is not a fashion, fad or gimmick. One should be in a permanent state of this nature. Our religion is not about fashions and trends.

We follow the character of the Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) whether time is with it or against it. Never forget that the Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) was a beacon of excellent moral conduct of the highest calibre in Mekkah. Despite the injustice that was prevalent in that society at the time and this is where we should be.


The hadith that speaks about how the Muslims eat whilst his neighbour is hungry has committed sins. This is regardless of religion, so if this about their hunger then it proves that we should not harm them just because of their religion. Then we have no grounds of discrimination when we discriminate others.

It would be hard for us to know if they were struggling but if you know someone is not working then you could see them, also there is a new condition with people - working poverty. This is not as easy as it is sound because some people will be defensive about this. Poverty in this country is increasing and no one is tackling this horrific issue. So many of us are wage slip away from hard times and some are struggling despite working. So many people are just scrapping by and there does not seem to be an end to it.

The 'curry kitchens' that have opened up and down the country are a great idea. The Muslims who are doing this work are doing a great service for the public and we want to see more of this. We need masjids in every town with poor people present to do this. We want this to be extended to the homeless.  

In another hadith the Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) advised not to bring things home without giving some to our neighbours. I did not understand this until I was on my travels and I came back to the place I was staying with bags of food from a supermarket. I saw the looks the people, who worked at the place, gave to the bags. You see they could not afford to go to the supermarket and brought their food from the local markets. After that, I did what they did, buy local things, and never returned to the supermarkets. And I hid whatever I brought without anyone seeing it.

Living with disagreements with your neighbours can make your life hell, because you do not want to go home. So make your home paradise by making peace with them.

Sunday, November 03, 2019

The final door of Paradise: The life of the final Messenger of God ﷺ

Please click here for the book

This book is nine years in the making and focuses on the miraclous nature of the Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him), with proofs of prophethood added along the way.

Edited by Suraqah Abdulaziz (Ibriz Media)

Collected works in book form

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The obligations of a teacher

This is another topic that I have been giving much thought to over the past few weeks. What are the obligations of the teacher? Being qualified to teach knowledge is one thing but do you have the tools to reach your audience? Essentially, the teacher learns about his audience. In order to be effective teacher one must know that you teach. Know you can only teach those who want to learn. This short work is a means to address this and learn what to do.

Teacher/learning the correct info

This is understood. The teacher must know one of the four madhabs in fiqh and one of the two in Aquida. In addition, if he has a spiritual path then it should fit into the first two. A teacher should know the madhab of the area. He should not introduce a different madhab or try to pass his madhab as the madhab of the area. This will confuse and mislead people. If his opinion is from another madhab then he should make it clear or avoid talking about it.

He should correct any opinions that are not to be followed and explain why. The most important matter is that he should know what the correct opinion is. Not make it up or voice an opinion because he likes this opinion over what is right. If he simply does not know then he might be a fake teacher. Make fake teachers tend to insult major historical figures.

Knowing differences of opinion

This is where one see the depth, or lack of, in the teachers knowledge. He should know about the book he is reading what school they follow and what opinions come from where. Therefore, if someone comes with a question he must know where that opinion has come from. If he does not then he should simply say that he does not know. Rather than try to mumble his way around a question he cannot answer. So if he reads Tafsir then he should know about the approach of the commentator. Often I find teachers propagating ideas against their own school without realising it. They often rely on the fame as justification for their opinion. Fame and scholarship do not often go together, except rarely. It is even more rare now than ever. Also there are rare opinions and errors in books that need to be checked.

Being able to defend Islam

He should have enough knowledge to break down those who are distorting the religion. These refutations are often against radical groups who are against the majority. Most of the distortion is from Muslim groups who are on the outside of the majority and some are outside the faith altogether.

When dealing with attacks outside the faith then he should look at the facts of the situation and look for the truth. Other groups against Islam are against the actions of some people but have painted everyone with the same brush. Some of it is deplorable and some of it is misconceptions. 

He must break down their arguments using academic means and attacking the person individually. I have seen so many teachers insult others and do more harm than good because the argument of the other is still present.

Assisting people

He must be ready to assist anyone who comes to him. If he is not in a position to answer the question then he should refer to someone else. Essentially a scholar is the servant of the people. That does not mean he should humiliate himself before them, rather he should be ready to help them.

Being accessible to people

This can be physically or on the phone or email. He should make time for people to reach him. Rather than hide in a cave somewhere. If people leave questions then he should be ready to answer them. 

People who go to scholars should not go alone, especially if they are from the opposite gender. There should be others present like one of their own family members. 

If a teacher requests to see a female alone then she should run for the hills. There is no reason why a male teacher should see a female student on their own.


He should be writing materials that clarify confusing matters. This is very important as most Muslims in the UK have similar problems, even in different areas. A teacher must be part of the people and know what they are having difficulties. Then explain the problems from the correct point of view without distortion. He could also give lectures and them available. What he should not do is rely on weak arguments or rare opinions and make confusion. Nor should he talk about matters that have been buried. Essentially matters that are not understood or cause friction. He should take into consideration the custom of the area beforehand.

Standing with the truth

Scholars have to be ready to stand against the grain when injustice occurs. Shaykh Ahmad Al-Zarruq stood against the ruler of Fez when they were oppressing minorities. He was expelled from Fez and went to modern day Libya.

People hate what they do not know and they hate the scholars. Corrupt rulers often oppress Ahl al-Bayt as well.

Understanding people

People who come to a scholar are frequently bad mannered and rude. They also might come from a background that rudeness is the norm. So have to be aware of this and know not to take it personally. Because it might be the norm for the other person.

Practicing the religion

Without practice of the religion then he is in a worse station than average person despite is his knowledge. He should stay away from outward and inward haram acts. If he commits in private then repent in private, without disclosing them. If in public then repent in public. 

His main practice should be his works but his practice should be above the average person. More might be added as time goes by but these are the main points that we have come to currently.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The poor

19. Khutbat alal miskeen wa yateem
اَلْحَمْدُ للهِ الَّذِى عَلَّمَ بِالْقَلَمِ وَ عَلَّمَالْاِنْسَانَ مَا لَمْ يَعْلَمْ
وَ الصَّلَاتُ وَ السَّلَامُ عَلٰى نَبِيِّهِ مُحَمَّدٍ وَ عَلٰى اٰلِهِ وَ اَصْحَابِهِ وَ اَتْبَاعِهِ اَجْمَعِيْنَ
وَاَشْهَدُ اَنْ لَااِلٰهَ اِلَّا اللهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيْكَ لَهُ وَاَشْهَدُ اَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَ رَسُوْلُهُ
وَ بَعْدُ
فَأَعُوْذُ بِاللهِ مِنَ الشَيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَانِ الرَّحِيْمِ


1) Surah Insan V. 8
And they give food in spite of love for it: to the needy, the orphan, and the captive,
V. 9
[Saying], "We feed you only for the sake of Allah . We wish not from you reward or gratitude.

They gave food even though they had need for it to the aforementioned catargories. Here they are explaining how sincerity in actions should be. They are not asking for reward rather they are doing for the sake Allah (the Exalted) and they are not even concerned about thanks! How many times have we done something good just to be thanked! This is not the way of the sincere.


2) Surah Maa'oon V. 3
And does not encourage the feeding of the poor.

This is one of the worst attributes of the wealth that they do not feed the poor even though they have the means to do so. Encouraging others to feed the poor and of course good actions is itself as good as doing it according to another hadith.


3) Surah Mudaththir V. 44
Nor did we used to feed the poor.

This is one of the things that those who go to hell are accused of. That they did not feed the poor when they had the means.


4) Surah Fajr V.18
And you do not encourage one another to feed the poor.

Nor did they encourage others to feed the poor.


5) Surah Baqarah V. 215
They ask you, [O Muhammad], what they should spend. Say, "Whatever you spend of good is [to be] for parents, relatives, orphans, needy and the traveller. Whatever you do of good - indeed, Allah knows it all."

This verse is explaining those who are in need of support. The first being our families then to the wider society.

They ask you about wine and gambling. Say, "In them is great sin and [little] benefit for people. But their sin is greater than their benefit." And they ask you what they should spend. Say, "The excess [beyond needs]." Thus Allah makes clear to you the verses [of revelation] that you might give thought.

Here the verse is explaining that people should spend their excess wealth upon the needs of others. It is also a warning to spend their excess wealth on haram items that only bring punishment.

V. 220
To this world and the Hereafter they will ask you about orphans. Say, "Improvement for them is better. And if you mix your affairs with theirs - they are your brothers. And Allah knows the corrupter from the amender. And if Allah had willed, He could have put you in difficulty. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Mighty and Wise.

It is a great sin to steal the wealth of the orphans, in fact its a great sin to steal anyones wealth or take anyones rights. Investing the wealth of the orphan and then returning it when they are mature enough to handle the responsibility is a praiseworthy action.


1) يُسَلِّمُ الصَّغِيرُ عَلَى الْكَبِيرِ، وَالْمَارُّ عَلَى الْقَاعِدِ، وَالْقَلِيلُ عَلَى الْكَثِيرِ
1) The young should greet the old, the passerby should greet the sitting one, and the small group of persons should greet the large group (of people).
This is the order in which the greeting should be, the young to the elders, the passing by for the seated and the small group to the larger group.

2) أَمَرَنَا رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم بِسَبْعٍ بِعِيَادَةِ الْمَرِيضِ، وَاتِّبَاعِ الْجَنَائِزِ، وَتَشْمِيتِ الْعَاطِسِ، وَنَصْرِ الضَّعِيفِ، وَعَوْنِ الْمَظْلُومِ، وَإِفْشَاءِ السَّلاَمِ، وَإِبْرَارِ الْمُقْسِمِ، وَنَهَى عَنِ الشُّرْبِ فِي الْفِضَّةِ، وَنَهَانَا عَنْ تَخَتُّمِ الذَّهَبِ، وَعَنْ رُكُوبِ الْمَيَاثِرِ، وَعَنْ لُبْسِ الْحَرِيرِ، وَالدِّيبَاجِ، وَالْقَسِّيِّ، وَالإِسْتَبْرَقِ
2) The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) ordered us to seven things: visit the sick, attend funerals, bless after sneezing, help the weak, support the oppressed, spread peace, be just in division, he forbade from drinking in silver containers and blowing in gold containers, riding upon silk, wearing silk, brocade, qasiyi and istabraq (two fabrics made from pure silk).
These are different forms of charity that are not just about giving money.
3) تُطْعِمُ الطَّعَامَ، وَتَقْرَأُ السَّلاَمَ عَلَى مَنْ عَرَفْتَ، وَعَلَى مَنْ لَمْ تَعْرِفْ
3) Feed the people, and greet those whom you know and those whom you do not know.
One of the signs of the day of judgement is when people only greet those they know.

4) أَنَا وَكَافِلُ الْيَتِيمِ، فِي الْجَنَّةِ هَكَذَا
4) I and the person who looks after an orphan and provides for him, will be in Paradise like this," putting his index and middle fingers together.
Looking after an orphan means one is closer to the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) than others. Sponsoring an orphan is very easy to do and it does not cost a lot.
5) عَلَى الأَرْمَلَةِ وَالْمِسْكِينِ كَالْمُجَاهِدِ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ
5) The one who looks after and works for a widow and for a poor person is like a warrior fighting for Allah's Cause.
If you can support a widow or give money to a poor person then do so. You can give money to foodbanks.

6)اعْبُدُوا الرَّحْمَنَ وَأَطْعِمُوا الطَّعَامَ وَأَفْشُوا السَّلاَمَ تَدْخُلُوا الْجَنَّةَ بِسَلاَمٍ
6) "(All of you) worship Ar-Rahman, feed others, spread the (greeting of) Salam, then you will enter Paradise in security.
Again this is encourage to feed othters and spread peace.

 7)السَّاعِي عَلَى الأَرْمَلَةِ وَالْمِسْكِينِ كَالْمُجَاهِدِ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ، أَوِ الْقَائِمِ اللَّيْلَ الصَّائِمِ النَّهَارَ
7) The one who looks after a widow or a poor person is like a Mujahid (warrior) who fights for Allah's Cause, or like him who performs prayers all the night and fasts all the day.

8)مَنْ قَبَضَ يَتِيمًا بَيْنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ إِلَى طَعَامِهِ وَشَرَابِهِ أَدْخَلَهُ اللَّهُ الْجَنَّةَ الْبَتَّةَ إِلاَّ أَنْ يَعْمَلَ ذَنْبًا لاَ يُغْفَرُ لَهُ

8) Whoever takes in an orphan among the Muslims to raise, to feed him and give him drink, Allah admits him into Paradise without a doubt, unless he has done a sin for which he is not forgiven.
This is so important to give to charity, help the orphans and the widows. There is a great reward for those who do these wonderful acts.