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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The obligations of a teacher

This is another topic that I have been giving much thought to over the past few weeks. What are the obligations of the teacher? Being qualified to teach knowledge is one thing but do you have the tools to reach your audience? Essentially, the teacher learns about his audience. In order to be effective teacher one must know that you teach. Know you can only teach those who want to learn. This short work is a means to address this and learn what to do.

Teacher/learning the correct info

This is understood. The teacher must know one of the four madhabs in fiqh and one of the two in Aquida. In addition, if he has a spiritual path then it should fit into the first two. A teacher should know the madhab of the area. He should not introduce a different madhab or try to pass his madhab as the madhab of the area. This will confuse and mislead people. If his opinion is from another madhab then he should make it clear or avoid talking about it.

He should correct any opinions that are not to be followed and explain why. The most important matter is that he should know what the correct opinion is. Not make it up or voice an opinion because he likes this opinion over what is right. If he simply does not know then he might be a fake teacher. Make fake teachers tend to insult major historical figures.

Knowing differences of opinion

This is where one see the depth, or lack of, in the teachers knowledge. He should know about the book he is reading what school they follow and what opinions come from where. Therefore, if someone comes with a question he must know where that opinion has come from. If he does not then he should simply say that he does not know. Rather than try to mumble his way around a question he cannot answer. So if he reads Tafsir then he should know about the approach of the commentator. Often I find teachers propagating ideas against their own school without realising it. They often rely on the fame as justification for their opinion. Fame and scholarship do not often go together, except rarely. It is even more rare now than ever. Also there are rare opinions and errors in books that need to be checked.

Being able to defend Islam

He should have enough knowledge to break down those who are distorting the religion. These refutations are often against radical groups who are against the majority. Most of the distortion is from Muslim groups who are on the outside of the majority and some are outside the faith altogether.

When dealing with attacks outside the faith then he should look at the facts of the situation and look for the truth. Other groups against Islam are against the actions of some people but have painted everyone with the same brush. Some of it is deplorable and some of it is misconceptions. 

He must break down their arguments using academic means and attacking the person individually. I have seen so many teachers insult others and do more harm than good because the argument of the other is still present.

Assisting people

He must be ready to assist anyone who comes to him. If he is not in a position to answer the question then he should refer to someone else. Essentially a scholar is the servant of the people. That does not mean he should humiliate himself before them, rather he should be ready to help them.

Being accessible to people

This can be physically or on the phone or email. He should make time for people to reach him. Rather than hide in a cave somewhere. If people leave questions then he should be ready to answer them. 

People who go to scholars should not go alone, especially if they are from the opposite gender. There should be others present like one of their own family members. 

If a teacher requests to see a female alone then she should run for the hills. There is no reason why a male teacher should see a female student on their own.


He should be writing materials that clarify confusing matters. This is very important as most Muslims in the UK have similar problems, even in different areas. A teacher must be part of the people and know what they are having difficulties. Then explain the problems from the correct point of view without distortion. He could also give lectures and them available. What he should not do is rely on weak arguments or rare opinions and make confusion. Nor should he talk about matters that have been buried. Essentially matters that are not understood or cause friction. He should take into consideration the custom of the area beforehand.

Standing with the truth

Scholars have to be ready to stand against the grain when injustice occurs. Shaykh Ahmad Al-Zarruq stood against the ruler of Fez when they were oppressing minorities. He was expelled from Fez and went to modern day Libya.

People hate what they do not know and they hate the scholars. Corrupt rulers often oppress Ahl al-Bayt as well.

Understanding people

People who come to a scholar are frequently bad mannered and rude. They also might come from a background that rudeness is the norm. So have to be aware of this and know not to take it personally. Because it might be the norm for the other person.

Practicing the religion

Without practice of the religion then he is in a worse station than average person despite is his knowledge. He should stay away from outward and inward haram acts. If he commits in private then repent in private, without disclosing them. If in public then repent in public. 

His main practice should be his works but his practice should be above the average person. More might be added as time goes by but these are the main points that we have come to currently.

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