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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Habib Kazim As-Saqqaf

Once the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon) was sat on the mountain of Saffa, next to the angel Gibreal. He said to him, "I have not eaten for three days except for some dates and water." A large explosion was heard in front of them. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asked, "What was that?" The Angel replied, "Allah has heard what you said to me and he has sent Isreafel onto you." Isreafel had descended faster that the speed of light. "Allah has ordered me to transform the mountains of Mecca into Gold and place it into your hands. Would you like that? So you live like a Prophet king not as a Prophet man." The Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him) turned to Gibreal who looked back then he indicated with his wing downward.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to the angel Isreafel, "I am a Prophet servant, a Prophet servant, a Prophet servant."

Reported by Imam Ahmed with a sound Hasan/chain.

From this lecture

Gibbon in 'The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire' 1823

"The good sense of Muhammad despised the pomp of royalty. The Apostle of God submitted to the menial offices of the family; he kindled the fire; swept the floor; milked the ewes; and mended with his own hands his shoes and garments. Disdaining the penance and merit of a hermit, he observed without effort of vanity the abstemious diet of an Arab."

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