Uniting for the Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Part Four
(All the other speakers stood up and delivered their speeches he sat down on a prayer matt made a dua and after several minutes of silence said.)
Imam Jazuli said “when the truth appears nothing remains"
Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala has the power to do all things
The Physical world exists to represent something higher
We love people for something in them, Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala has all these and more in fact, no shape exists
Imam Ghazali (May Allah's Ta'ala mercy be with him)retreated from public life after being in a meeting with people who have been employed by the Sultans
“If the wage wasn’t there I would be.” Abdul-wakeel Ad-Daroubi said.
He doesn’t ask anyone to do anything, he just does it
If your knowledge isn't light, if its doesn't work forever “junk” it.
Don’t be inclined to luxury
Help others and don’t help yourself.
The knowledge of the inward should be what your concerned with and an alim should be most interested in this
One should be humbled by true knowledge
Abu Madyan (May Allah's Ta'ala mercy be with him) said “One should look at his spiritual works as useless.”
One who knows his work and thinks that they are for showing off.
The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) asked for forgiveness 70 times a day because he was increasing in rank everyday
Look at what validates and invalidates works
The purity of the hearts is the purity of Dhikr
A scholr refused to accept the judgement of a scholar who did not read 2 Juz of the Quran a day.
The deen binds hearts to Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala, If he doesn’t have the ilm that englistens the heart, its not light.
There was a general election somewhere and someone had put a sticker on a hot fan machine in the toilet. It said “Press hear to hear the government talk.”
Imam Ghazali (May Allah's Ta'ala mercy be with him) said “We have to love Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala but we also have to fear him and we are in the middle of this and we know if we disobey him we can do two things. Either turn further away in ignorance or ask for forgiveness and we will attain forgiveness.”

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