Spiritual remedy for the Present Crisis Part Two
The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) “Muslims are bricks in a wall they support each other.”
Don’t be distracted by women or a woman
Globalisation of sport
“It doesn’t matter if you win or lose it how you play the game.”
Jihad is not about winning or losing, and if you think it is then you don’t understand Islam,
In the Mahraka (battlefield) you cannot kill non-combatants
Who is fighting whom? There is no Shariah basis for these actions
We have to become closer to the Quran
Patiently persevere the problems, which inflict people
Don’t panic when things aren’t going our way, this place is a test.
“The one who understands the nature of this world. Aliments become easy for him.” Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talib (May Allah Ta’ala be pleased with him)
There was a man in solitary confinement, he had killed people on heroin and was a womaniser. He converted to Islam, came out of prison nine years later married an older sister, worked 12pm-8am at night, he would sleep 30 mins and work until 4pm (on a Muslim housing project) sleep for three hours and then went back to work.
Patience is promised, the greatest reward

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