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Friday, January 24, 2020

The importance of studying with a teacher

There is a lot of confusion in this time we live in. Yet, the best way to see clearly is to go back to what cured the early communities of Muslims. What is that cure? It is not a secret that only few know rather its something well known but we have chosen to ignore it. The cure is seeking knowledge to remove doubts and give clarity.


Learning from books is one thing but the actual thing that will benefit one is studying with a real teacher. So you can ask questions and get answers because you cannot ask a book questions.

Books are there as reminders or revision, the problem is when people read books but take that knowledge above what they hear. Therefore, there are few issues here and that is true that often there is low quality of teacher. Please take note of what we said previously. It is true that their errors in everything but you have to study for long enough to recognise errors but not valid differences of opinions.

On the other hand, it is sad to see what has happened to Islamic bookshops. The internet has virtually destroyed many books shops. Many bookshops have done out of business and those who have survived had no choice but to diversity. In other words, they sell more of other things and have significantly reduced their stock of books. It has become quite a task to sell books because people are not buying. I do regret making things available online because it had a damaging effect on the book industry. I have now made any book an eBook unless it is a short text. 

Early transmission of knowledge

Of this nation was from wahi/revelation. The Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) taught the companions as revelation came down. They saw it revealed and the embodied by the practice and character of the messenger of Allah (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him). They saw the teacher and the text.

The companions would practice an ayah and the Sunnah. They combined knowledge with practice that is what Imam Al-Ghazali would later found his book Ihya upon.

Islam was taught orally, to begin with, then texts were recorded to facilitate the learning and prevent any alteration. Initially knowledge was passed from one heart to another. Texts were a means to preserve the knowledge of great minds of the Ummah and the teacher was the commentary. 


We are foolish if we thing we have no need of the texts and misguided if we think we do not need a teacher. The truly guided one is he who studies with a teacher.
I have known teachers who I studied with who summarised a years with of University lectures with one sentence.

Another teacher I learnt more in one year than four years of self-study. In those four years, I read two hundred books.

Another teacher I learn more in six months that I learnt from someone else in 11 years.
We cannot, without misconceptions, think that self-study will attain anything but misguidance. Especially in vital sciences like Fiqh, Aquida, Tasawwaf, hadith etc. Of course there are some books made for the laymen, I am not talking about them.
Incidentally, when I studied Aquida Al-Tahawi for the first time I found the proofs for every line with what I studied for the last three years. Therefore, I could achieve the same result as three years of learning with eleven hours of learning. Are they both equal? Of course not and so do you see how much progress you can make with a teacher than without?

The book and Prophets

If a book was, all we needed then why did Allah sent prophets? To explain thing to us so we can understand them and not go astray based on our misinterpretations. The prophets are a means to deepen our knowledge and clarify things to a man's intellect. Therefore, prophets and messengers had a vital role to play in allowing us to benefit from divine teachings and knowledge.

How many people deliberately go astray by focusing on one proof and ignoring all other evidences, in preference of one line. This is how extreme groups pound their falsehood. Take a step back and you will realise that there are more than one set of evidences for a mater. In addition, many a time they stay without the bounds of the Ash'ari and Maturdi schools.

We need to study texts with teachers. Exclusion of one means reduction in all.  

Do people want to study?

It has always baffled me about many people. So many would rather 'google' their religion and find something online. The problem with any tool is that it can be useful for someone who knows how to use it and harmful for the ignorant. How do you know whom if the question is right? More importantly, who is answering the question? Do you know them personally or at least had their veracity confirmed? Most of what you hear, read or see about Islam is war propaganda. Never rely on someone opinion who hates something. His opinion is already flawed so ignore them all. If you have a question then ask. Ask whom? Ask a teacher that is who.

Ask the people of dhikr

فَٱسْأَلُواْ أَهْلَ ٱلذِّكْرِ إِن كُنْتُم لاَ تَعْلَمُونَ
Quran: 16:43.
"Ask the people of remembrance when you do not know."

The verb to ask is in the command form. This should be enough for you to consider what you need to do when you do not know. You have to be honest as well and admit you do not know. When you bring yourself down a bit by not knowing, you are raised when you find out.

Abu Laith Al-Samarqandi (may Allah show him mercy) said,

أهل التوراة والإِنجيل { إِن كُنْتُم لاَ تَعْلَمُونَ بِٱلْبَيّنَـٰتِ وَٱلزُّبُرِ } وفي الآية تقديم وتأخير، أي: وما أرسلنا من قبلك إلاّ رجالاً نوحي إليهم بالبينات والزبر. وروى أسباط عن السدي قال: البينات الحلال والحرام، والزبر كتب الأنبياء. وقال الكلبي: البينات أي: بالآيات الحلال والحرام والأمر والنهي ما كانوا يأتون به قومهم منها وهو كتاب النبوة ويقال: البينات التي كانت تأتي بها الأنبياء مثل عصا موسى وناقة صالح

[The verse means] "The people of the Torah and Injeel, 'if you do not know the evidences and psalms.' In the previous and forthcoming passages. Meaning we do not send you before except that it was a man that we gave revelation by evidences and texts. It was reported by Asbaat from Al-Sudi, the evidences are what is lawful and unlawful and the texts are the books of the prophets. Al-Kalabi said evidences means passage that are lawful, unlawful, commands and prohibitions. They never came to a people except in a book of a prophet. It was claimed evidences is that which the prophets came with like the staff of Musa and the she-camel of Salih (upon them both peace).

Imam Al-Marwardi

فيه ثلاثة أقاويل:
أحدها: أن أهل الذكر العلماء بأخبار من سلف من القرون الخالية الذين يعلمون أن الله تعالى ما بعث رسولاً إلا من رجال الأمة، وما بعث إليهم ملكاً.
الثاني: أنه عنى بأهل الذكر أهل الكتاب خاصة، قاله ابن عباس ومجاهد.
الثالث: أنهم أهل القرآن، قاله ابن زيد.

Said, "There are three opinions. One: the people of dhikr are the scholars that were informed by the Salaf of past generations who knew that Allah (the Exalted) sent Messengers only as a male of that nation and no angel was every sent to them."
Two: the meaning of the people of remembrance is the people of the book specifically; this is the opinion of Ibn 'Abbas and Mujahid.
Three: they are the people of the Quran according to Ibn Zaid."

Ibn Jawzi

وفي قوله تعالى: { إِن كنتم لا تعلمون } قولان.
أحدهما: لا تعلمون أن الله تعالى بعث رسولاً من البشر.
والثاني: لا تعلمون أن محمداً رسول الله، فعلى القول الأول، جائز أن يسأل مَن آمن برسول الله ومَن كفر، لأن أهل الكتاب والعلم بالسِّيَر متفقون على أن الأنبياء كلَّهم، من البشر، وعلى الثاني إِنما يسأل مَنْ آمَنَ مِنْ أهل الكتاب.

Said, "The words, "If you do not know," has two opinions. Those who do not know that Allah the Exalted sent a Messenger from humanity.

Two: they do not know that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, as the first opinion. It is possible to ask whoever believes in the Messenger of Allah and who rejects because the people of the book and knowledge of the secret to agree in all the prophets. The second is to only ask whoever believes from the people of the book and knowledge of conduct that is agreeable with all the prophets from humanity. The second is to only ask those who believe, from the people of the book."

Imam Maturdi
وقال بعضهم: هو على الأمر بالسؤال؛ أي: اسألوا أهل الذكر فتقلدوهم؛ أي: إن كان لا بد لكم من التقليد فاسألوا أهل الذكر فقلدوهم؛ ولا تقلدوا آباءكم ومن لا يعرف الكتاب، ولكن قلدوا أهل الذكر، [وقوله تعالى { فَٱسْأَلُواْ أَهْلَ ٱلذِّكْرِ إِن كُنْتُم لاَ تَعْلَمُونَ * }
قال بعضهم: فاسألوا أهل الذكر فقلدوهم؛ إن كنتم لا تعلمون بالبينات والحجج؛ لأنهم كانوا أهل تقليد، لم يكونوا أهل نظر وتفكر في الحجج والبينات.

"Some say it is a command to ask. Meaning ask the people of remembrance and follow what them. Meaning: you have to follow them by asking the people of remembrance then follow them. Do not follow your ancestors who did not know the Quran. Rather follow the people of dhikr. The Exalted said, "Ask the people of remembrance if you know not."
Some of them say that ask the people of dhikr [means] to follow them when you do not know the proofs and evidences, because you are the people who should follow. Unless you are at the level of debate [highly skilled scholar at the level of ijtihad] and thought in proofs and evidences."

The method of the Salaf

The Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) did sent companions to Medinah and other places who were able to teach, Mu'adh to Yemen, he asked him, "What will you rule by O Mu'adh? He said, "By the book of Allah." He said, "What if you do not find [anything]?" He said, "By the practice of the Messenger of Allah." He asked, "What if you do not find [anything]?" He said, "I will strive over my opinion to the upmost." The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) said, "All praise belongs to Allah who made His Messenger succeed in what He loves and pleases Him."
حين أرسل الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام معاذ بن جبل إلي اليمن، قال له: بما تقضي يا معاذ؟ قال: بكتاب الله، قال: فإن لم تجد؟، فقال: بسنة رسول الله. فقال: فإن لم تجد؟، قال: اجتهد رأيي ولا آلو.،فقال الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام: الحمد لله الذي وفق رسول الله لما يحبه ويرضاه

Al-Tirmidhi and Ahmad

This hadith has a weak chain but has been proven over time to be the correct method of the scholars from this time. Therefore, they use the Quran and the Sunnah as their basis then strive to their upmost in finding the correct ruling. 

Had the Quran alone been all they needed then the Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) would not have sent Mu'adh or Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with them) as they were both sent to teach new Muslims the faith in Medinah and this knowledge is the foundation of life in Medinah.

The blessing upon the Muslims

"Allah has truly gifted the believers when he sent a Messenger from themselves to them. To recite our passages, to purify them, and teach them the Quran and wisdom. When before they were without guidance." 3:164

Imam Nasafi said,
{ لَقَدْ مَنَّ ٱللَّهُ عَلَى ٱلْمُؤمِنِينَ }.
على من آمن مع رسول الله عليه السلام من قومه، وخص المؤمنين منهم لأنهم هم المنتفعون بمبعثه { إِذْ بَعَثَ فِيهِمْ رَسُولاً مّنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ } من جنسهم عربياً مثلهم أو من ولد إسماعيل كما أنهم من ولده، والمنة في ذلك من حيث إنه إذا كان منهم كان اللسان واحد فيسهل أخذ ما يجب عليهم أخذه عنه، وكانوا واقفين على أحواله في الصدق والأمانة فكان ذلك أقرب لهم إلى تصديقه، وكان لهم شرف بكونه منهم.

"Allah has truly gifted the believers," to those who believe with the Messenger of Allah upon him peace with his tribe. Specifically the believers of them who will benefit from his message. "When he sent a Messenger from themselves to them," from Arabian lineage like them or from the offspring of Ismail as they are his children [too]. The blessings is in this from where he was from them in one [same] tongue. Therefore, it was easy to take from what was necessary for them to take. They agreed that your state was truthful and trustworthy [before Prophethood]. This was the closes [proof of] truthfulness for them. You had an honourable [place with] them."

This again proves our point that it was not the Quran alone, the Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) taught them, purified them and then he taught them wisdom which includes his own practice. How lucky the companions were to have the best of teachers (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him).


قُلْ إِن كُنتُمْ تُحِبُّونَ ٱللَّهَ فَٱتَّبِعُونِي يُحْبِبْكُمُ ٱللَّهُ

"Say: if you love Allah then follow me; Allah will love you." Quran 3:31.
Imam Nasafi
قُلْ إِن كُنتُمْ تُحِبُّونَ ٱللَّهَ فَٱتَّبِعُونِي يُحْبِبْكُمُ ٱللَّهُ } محبة العبد لله إيثار طاعته على غير ذلك، ومحبة الله العبد أن يرضى عنه ويحمد فعله. وعن الحسن: زعم أقوام على عهد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أنهم يحبون الله فأراد أن يجعل لقولهم تصديقاً من عمل، فمن ادعى محبته وخالف سنة رسوله فهو كذاب وكتاب الله يكذبه.

"Say: if you love Allah then follow me; Allah will love you." Love of the servant for Allah is preferring His obedience to anything else. Love of Allah for the servant it being pleased by Him and praises His action. Al-Hassan said, "the people claim that the agreement of the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) is that they love Allah. So it means that he made them believe in this action. Whoever calls to His love but opposes his Sunnah and His Messenger is a liar and has denied the book of Allah."

Ijaza system

Was something that held a special place in the hearts of scholars because each scholar was confirmed by another scholar, going back all the way to the Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him). Blessings flow through this chain.

It should be noted that those who oppose Ahl Al-Sunnah wa Jammah and have Ijaza would be spiritually thrown out. Their ijaza will be nullified and all that will be left or a piece of paper. Those without ijaza to teach should be avoided like the plague.

Unpack difficult matters

Increase understanding and make student think is part of the teacher role. He should expand the understanding of the student by making him think beyond his limits. That way he came improve his thought process.

Be careful

وعن ابن سيرين قال إن هذا العلم دين فانظروا عمن تأخذون دينكم . رواه مسلم
Ibn Sirin said, "This knowledge is religion so examine who you take your religion from." Muslim
Examine the biography of your teacher and read this previous article so you can understand who and what you need.

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