Knowledge: prohibited, recommended, what to study etc...
(This is the first in a series of notes on classes that Sheikh Atabek gave last year. You will be able to find all the notes under the Halal and Haram label.)
To read/memorise a chapter about wudhu/ablution is better than one thousand units of prayer
“The sleep of a scholar is better than the worship of the ignorant.”
The first person who is thrown into hell is a scholar who did not benefit from his knowledge
Seeking knowledge is Haram/prohibited when:
1. It is done for other than Allah (mighty and majestic)
2. For a bad intention like gathering wealth
3. Seeking knowledge so you can argue
4. To seek fame
The obligatory knowledge/Fard ‘ayn (is an obligation upon every Muslim must learn) upon every Muslim is:
1. ‘Ilm al-Hal/ knowledge for your condition: Basic fiqh (jurisprudence), tajweed (how to recite the Quran correctly), sales if you are involved in buying and selling – whatever you need for yourself
2. Basic doctrine/aqida (Abu Hanifa said if someone has a question about doctrine then it is wajib/necessary to find a scholar and ask a question.)
3. Some spirituality/etiquette or suluk
A prohibited knowledge is Black magic which is major sin if done and can lead to disbelief, if a person believes that black magic has a power independently. The reality of black magic is that some people can control non muslims jinns (ghost like creatures made from smokeless fire) but the jinns cannot make you do anything. If you eat seven dates it protects you from poison and black magic.
Fard khifayah (communal obligation) this is an obligation on a community of Muslims, if performed by one person the sin falls from the remainder. We need Muftis, doctors, Quran memorisers etc
Other types of forbidden knowledge are:
1. Zodiac/astrology
2. Tea leaf reading
3. Palm reading
4. Deep theology in order to debate (for the layman)
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