Dowra 2007 Part four
Awarif Al-Marif
There are various meanings to the word slave (Abd)
Woe to slave of gold, silver coins, carpet and shirt
We can be slaves to the pious and knowledgeable, servitude to Allah Subhanu wa ta’ala is something else
Someone would say I am your slave to honour someone, this was a common usage in the Arabic language
Yusuf Al-Nabani said, “I am slave to the master of the prophets, I am a slave to the slave of his slave.”
If you think it means one thing then you will be confused
Leave confusion and be among the people of precision
When Yusuf (upon him peace) told the man to mention him to your lord – Idukur a’nd Rabuk – to the one who was released
Yusuf (upon him peace) used the word in a particular context
You also say Rab al-ushra – this is someone who look after the family
The word Rab – lord has 16 different means
Understand things in their context
Then you’ll be outside of the problem
This does not mean that they worship other than Allah Subhanu wa ta’ala
Someone brought one of these misunderstanding to a scholar, he said, “This is a bedioun understanding, don’t you have another understanding.”

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