Spirit of Ramadan part two
Gratitude can be with the tongue, limbs or the heart.
Allah Subhanu wa ta’ala gives lots for little
Ask Allah Subhanu wa ta’ala for what he asks from you
This is the month of request
Don’t think about what you’ll be breaking your fast on
Don’t look at anything that is offensive, according to the sacred law
What’s Prohibited/haram to look at, is haram to touch. What’s disliked to look at, is disliked to touch (rule)
Don’t read literature that has credit/loans etc on it. Throw them away
Satan starts with a gaze then it goes from there.
These are the steps of Satan
From 1. a look 2. smile 3. speech 4. appointment.
If someone looks at a thing purposely then it is written as sin
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Five things breaks fast. Lying, backbiting, tale bearing, false oath and looking with desire.”
In Imam Owazi’s (may Allah show him mercy) madhab/juristic school, your fast or ablution breaks if you lie
The adultery/Zina of the heart is to desire the Prohibited/haram, you need to reject this if you feel it
If someone comes to you and doesn’t guard there tongue, don’t say anything and remember Allah Subhanu wa ta’ala
Sufyan ibn Ayuna (may Allah show him mercy) said, “Backbiting corrupts fasting.”
Avoid the Television
A scholar said, “Anyone who allowed a radio into his house, has allowed an open sinner/Fasiq into their house.”
Music brings hypocrisy/Nifaq into the heart
Mentioning a brother in what he doesn’t like is disliked
Backbiting can be without speech like mimicking someone
In the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) there was a wind that carried the backbiting of the hypocrites.
If your backbiting reached the person then find him and apologise. If it did not then be silent and ask for forgiveness
The truth is Geeba/Backbiting
If you have done Geeba/Backbiting
1. Go back to ther person who told the lie to
2. Find the person you talked about
3. Go to Allah Subhanu wa ta’ala

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