Dowra notes thirteen
Dowra 09-08
A Sufi was so hungry that one day he got an apple and when he opened it he saw one of the Hur al ein (maidens of paradise). His hunger left him.
Look at the world around you
If Allah gave permission for a bird to fly why can’t he give it to anything else
The purpose of a Sufi is to follow the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him) and to internalise the Sunna
Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala has praised the character of the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him) for that reason he is the best creation
The Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him) told the people to take half of your deen from Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her)
Junaid Al Bagdadi said that tassawuf is good character and the one with better character has the best tassawaf
The first thing he said was Allah u akbar and he prostrated
During his childhood if he put his hand on a person that person would be healed
Halima (May Allah be pleased with her) said he used to talk to her in the womb and when he came out the first thing he did was sajood, prostration
When the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him) would do to kiss the black stone, the stone would come to him and then return to its place
As the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him) grew older his dominant characteristic was (is) forgiveness
Be sincere in following him
May Allah bless us with the ability to look at his face
Jafar Al Sadiq (May Allah be pleased with him) said, “Why did Allah call his character great? Because he wasn’t concerned with anything other than Allah.”
True Tassawuf is good character
Someone said that he was called great because he is exemplar of good character
Some traits of good character: True speech, doesn’t fill himself of food, give charity, honours kinship ties, guest and modesty.
Having sorrow about loss of the worldly things, brings people to the fire
When the heart becomes filled with the light of remembrance of Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala, he will attain a something of characteristics like great

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