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Friday, April 04, 2008

Sitting in lectures

These are things I need to implement in myself

The intention for the student should be that he/she is learning for the Sake of Allah to implement what he knows and therefore drawing himself closer to Allah. Try to make a dua for assistance with lesson, if you don't know a dua recite Sura Fatiha before you go in.

A student should arrive on time for the lecture and assist in setting up the teaching space with anything necessary such as barriers, tables, desks, book rests and or hand outs.

Then they should come with notepad and pen to make notes to be reviewed within a few days of the lecture. If you do not come with a notepad and pen, you will not be able to remember much of the lesson afterwards.

You should concentrate as much as you are able to, in the lesson. Show respect to the teacher by focusing on the lesson. if you speak it should only to help a colleague even then it should be briefly.

If you talk during a lesson its shows disrespect to the knowledge that you are trying to take. If you ask a question either make eye contact with the teacher and ask but it is better for you to say the scholars name and then ask.

Note sometimes time is allocated specifically for questions, so withhold until then. Try to avoid shouting out or making comments that maybe amusing to you but may annoy some students and even the teacher.

If you don't understand something and are shy in asking a question, it now becomes important for to ask the question. Otherwise you will not understand the topic and the rest of the session you will not be able to understand the lesson. In a lecture you must wait until the end and try to understand as much until then.

For the manners of asking questions then go to the other chapter on asking questions. It is better to sometimes ask question in private but other times if it relates to the text then ask in the lesson as someone else might not understand.

If you ask a question during the lecture then it must be clear, so others can hear as well as yourself and the scholar. If someone asks a question and you know the answer or that it seems like a silly question remain silent and listen. You may receive more knowledge than your understanding. Do not ever laugh out loud because you think that persons question is funny this shows disrespect to everyone.

Try not to move too much in the lesson and avoid fiddling with papers or materials.

If you have to leave the lecture then leave as discreetly as possible and apologise to the teacher, if you are able to.

Do not argue with the teacher, know he has more knowledge than you and you should respect this and not annoy them.

If the teacher is writing onto a board then copy down everything that he was written, even if you already know it. If something isn't clearly written then confirm by asking.

If you notice a mistake by the teacher you should mention it very discreetly and when no one is there but it may be a mistake in your understanding. So you could say, "I though it was like..." or, "Isn’t it..."

Generally you should cover the faults of your teachers especially the ones you see in private as they are you brothers/sisters as well.

After a lecture it is good manners to thank the teacher for giving the lesson. Then put anything that you moved back into place, leave the place as you left it or better.


  1. Anonymous5:08 am

    asalamu alaykum,
    Also, please don't 'whisper' or shuffle bags, thinking the teacher can't hear you. They can always hear.

  2. Anonymous7:08 am

    Brilliant. A much needed reminder.

