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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Sheikh Abdul aziz Ahmed Fredricks

Adab (Etiquette)

What is the meaning of the word a-d-b Adab?

Adab is that which you express good character

The word Adab (etiquette) is the word bda (begin) backwards

You start (bda) with manners (adab)

The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) said, “My Lord has given me etiquette.”

The vehicle for manners is Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) through the teaching of Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala

The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) said, “Pray as you have seen me pray.” This the outward of the prayer

If you have adab with Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala you will reach him

The purpose of prayer is to build a relationship with your creator

The word to pray Salla (prayer) means to have a link to

White is better on the environment and it better to wear in life and death

Imam Ghazali (May Allah's Ta'ala mercy be with him) recommended white

The heart is the place of emotion

Inward manners is to have love

The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) said, “Etiquette is all of religion.”

Manners is everything that is praiseworthy in terms of your actions

Adab is good character

Adab is to stop out of respect

Adab is respecting everyone who is greater than you

If you look down at people, you lose out

Show gentleness to those who are below you

When you at a person below you, look at the blessings that you have been given and look at them with the eye of mercy.

The meaning of the word adab is put something in its right place

Umar ibn Khattab (May Allah Ta’ala be pleased with him) wrote with he left hand but did not eat with his left hand

Adab is say something correctly

Write with correct grammar.

He was in Tunisia, a drunken brother called him to his house and his religious brother refused to accept him as a Muslim, until he saw him eating.

What are the manners towards yourself?

Teach the naafs good and teach it to do good and leave bad

We are more in need of manners than knowledge

Imam Shafi (May Allah's Ta'ala mercy be with him) said, “Make adab your flour and knowledge your salt.”

If you have adab you will gain knowledge

Adab is the perfection of things


  1. I wrote what the scholar said and as all recommendations that Immam Ghazali makes is from the Sunna.

  2. Anonymous2:41 pm

    salam sidi

    Did you mean bad and not bda?
    (bda) with manners (adab)

  3. walikum salam

    Maybe I didn't explain it, correctly.

    bda means to begin in arabic and adb means manners. So its the same word just spelt backward.

    To begin with manners, the manners of beginning.

    Does that make sense?
