The Beginning of guidance
We are chasing an image of perfection
Bright into the light our lives by removing the addictions
All the scholars agreed that Al ghazali was the renewer of his time
This Umma is a revival of the Ibrahimic message
We have to have a balance of sprit and law; one cannot make up for the other both have to be taken at once.
Extremists are those with little intelligence and it takes intelligence to know the middle way.
Reforming the soul to resemble the Prophetic reality
Some students of Imam Huramayn broke their pens as a mark of respect after his death.
Imam Ghazali beget doubts in his intentions, he had a mental breakdown
After years of travel he returned to public life renewed in faith and begins to teach.
He found that the heart of the source of knowledge, the essence of the human being
He advised to stay away from Greek knowledge and pray then conform to the sunna
Some people are to busy arguing and accusations of bida etc. We are distracted from the real work, to bring light to our people
Instead some alims are looking for the money and not other things.
We must increase our spirituality.
Our religion is the outward as well as the inward
Al Rukn al Azum (the great pillar) is the ordering of good and banning the evil, practice what they preach.
We can't wait for help we must do it
He uses reason and logic to defeat his opponents against a mariyad of people trying to corrupt the faith
What do you do with people who don’t tow the line
Muslim will always be diverse, as a part of divine will
Iyha is still sold in abundance in Turkey.
9/10ths of our energy are directed against each other.
We need to redirect our energies
Spiritual growth is growth of iman
Develop logic to enhance your arguments
There are endless things, which distract the heart
Only go out if you need something specific, this is from sunna
Have a good opinion of your Lord

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