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Wednesday, October 05, 2011

40 Hadith of Imam An-Nawawi

In the name of Allah the most merciful most compassionate Endless waves of salutations upon his most honoured Messenger Islamic Information Society

Present: 40 hadith of Imam An-Nawawi with commentary by Ibn Daqiq Al-‘Id

with Sayyad Shaykh Arfan Shah Bukhari

This is a unique and unprecedented opportunity to study the well known compilation of hadith by Imam An-Nawawi through the insight of the outstanding scholar Ibn Daqiq Al-‘Id. Both brothers and sisters are welcome to attend what promises to be a course of great benefit. The course is suitable for all Muslims who desire to increase their knowledge. A vast range of topics are covered in these ahadith which should give the student a sound grounding in Islamic knowledge.

Please register your interest at so we can prepare course materials for you.

 Date: Starts Saturday 15th October 2011 until the completion of the text.

Time: Every Saturday morning at 11:30am - 12:30pm (Facilities for brothers and sisters)

Cost: This is a free course and course materials will be provided.

Venue: Islamic Information Society, (next to Sanam takeaway) 292-294 Queens Road, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX1 4NS

Further information: Email

Tel: 07530 463129