Thursday, February 01, 2007

Sheikh Abdul aziz Fredricks

Sura Muminoon

“Truly, successful are the believers.” “Qad aFalah amuminoon (23.1) said Heaven after Allah Subhanu wa ta’ala commanded to speak, after it was created

The next few ayahs explain 1-10

The next few ayahs explain the way to Heaven

“Qad” means surely, definitely

In the Athan we say, “Qad Qamiti Salat” Indeed prayer has been established

Allah planted the trees in Heaven

Falah – means to cut something, to break it down (A farmer is called Fallah)

Soil needs to be ploughed

That means effort

Falah is a means to get to the fruit

The fruit that is planted by Allah

In the Athan we say, “Haya Al-Falah” come to success – he is saying come to what Adam (upon him peace) left you in Heaven (fruits of heaven?)

This place is already prepared for the believers

The Quran is the book that will show you how to get to home, read the 1st line of Sura Baqarah

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) would sow his clothes like anyone else but he was not anyone else

Heaven is required to expand, by the means of saying Salat on the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) – his Umma increases

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) would say to Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him), “Give us comfort, O’ Bilal.”

In the prayer you have to turn to the Qibla before it turns to you

When you do Takbir Tahrima (opening Takbir of the prayer), throw the world out of your hands

In the prayer you have to focus your heart

He turns to you even when you don’t turn to him

It’s our hearts that Allah Subhanu wa ta’ala looks at (our hearts need to be focused)

Satan is the embezzler, he waits until you are in the prayer. Then he comes and presses F2? He waits until you have a lot, then he tries to steal it.

We should attain a stillness of heart, if nothing else

Act with dignity, when you are threatened

Zakat is everything that purifies

If you have desires, other than what is halal for you, you have transgressed

We have contracts with everyone, neighbours, Muslims, bosses.

“Am I not your Lord?” said Allah, we said, “Yes.” This covenant is in the black stone, we renew the covenant every time we pray.

We have two houses, one in heaven and one in hell. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “There is not one of you, except that he has two houses. One in heaven and one in hell.” (Ibn Majah)

We will get to see the houses in heaven and hell.


  1. Anonymous2:41 pm

    Asalamu' Alaykum,

    Excellent words. Thanks to the speaker and blogger.


  2. Jakallah Khair

    Sh. Abdulaziz is a hidden gem, may Allah subhanu wa ta'ala preserve him.

  3. Anonymous2:16 pm

    Asalamu' Alaykum

    Ameen to the dua.

    May Allah SWT also reward brother Arfan for this blog. Ameen, it's been a real help for me in increasing my emaan :)

    Could I ask a question?

    We have two houses, one in heaven and one in hell. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “There is not one of you, except that he has two houses. One in heaven and one in hell.”

    We will get to see the houses in heaven and hell.

    Was the above referring to us being punished for our sins before we attained paradise - the idea that we would "live" in both houses? Was this hadith discussed further - I would appreciate further commentary.

    Jazakallah Khair and keep up the good work :)

  4. salam alikum

    May Allah subhanu wa ta'ala increase you further. Ameen.

    If I remember rightly, we will see the one we could've got, before we see the one we get.

    Does that make sense?

    In other words its is like seeing what you could've had, then you see what you'll have. Nothing about being punished in what he said.

    I hope that clears it up.

  5. Anonymous1:36 pm

    Asslam Alaikum. Jazakalla Khair for the dua and the explanation :)

    Not that I have a problem with punishment - sometimes I think it's apt that we should be but I guess I say that here - in the akirah like all beings I'll probably be asking for mercy not justice.

    Jazakall Khair once again. And keep up the good work :)

  6. The hadith can be found in Muslim or you can find it in Miskat al-Masabih.
