Thursday, December 07, 2006

Habib Umar ibn Hafiz 20-07

Dowra notes three

Guidance for the Spiritual path

Its upon you to purify the defects in you

Allah Subhanu wa Ta'ala Angels glorify you

What this means is that we have made us holy for you

Our intentions need to be pure and holy in order to proceed

There is something greater than the heart and that is that the fight against your self and this is a struggle and people have got to Allah Subhanu wa Ta'ala

They are with Allah Subhanu wa Ta'ala in all circumstances and states

Those who were delayed in going to battle, they share our status in not going out for Allah Subhanu wa Ta'ala

There will be a day, when nothing will benefit us except a pure heart

The Purity of the heart is a great affair and he should not think about anyone except Allah Subhanu wa Ta'ala

When the heart prostrates to Allah Subhanu wa Ta'ala then it never raises its head

O Allah Subhanu wa Ta'ala ask you to make this a reality

We need to get up and practice and we need to give the Habib (Umar) time to rest

Aa man who removes something in the way of people is like the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) who removed things from the road and make it easy for us

The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) said that Taqwa is here and he pointed to his heart three times

This is an affair of the hearts and the souls

All that he has explained, the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) was perfect inwardly and outwardly

If people love beauty, love the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him), if you love perfection, here is the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him)

If you love courage here is the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him), if you love generosity, love the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him), He gave a valley full of cattle to a man

They is no area except that the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) perfected himself in it

A companion was changed when he heard the Quran, it said:
O you slave disobeying Allah, turn to Allah and repent to your guardian and its nothing else but to connect yourself to the Prophet. (peace and blessings be upon him) This should be our state

O Allah forgive us, we have looked at the Haram, forgive us, what we have done and veil our shortcomings

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