Saturday, January 28, 2006

Imam Zaid Shakir

Spiritual remedy for the Present Crisis Part Two

The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) “Muslims are bricks in a wall they support each other.”

Don’t be distracted by women or a woman

Globalisation of sport
“It doesn’t matter if you win or lose it how you play the game.”

Jihad is not about winning or losing, and if you think it is then you don’t understand Islam,

In the Mahraka (battlefield) you cannot kill non-combatants

Who is fighting whom? There is no Shariah basis for these actions

We have to become closer to the Quran

Patiently persevere the problems, which inflict people

Don’t panic when things aren’t going our way, this place is a test.

“The one who understands the nature of this world. Aliments become easy for him.” Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talib (May Allah Ta’ala be pleased with him)

There was a man in solitary confinement, he had killed people on heroin and was a womaniser. He converted to Islam, came out of prison nine years later married an older sister, worked 12pm-8am at night, he would sleep 30 mins and work until 4pm (on a Muslim housing project) sleep for three hours and then went back to work.

Patience is promised, the greatest reward

Friday, January 27, 2006

Sheikh Nuh Ha min Keller/ Hafiz Gul Muhammad/ Sidi Hassan Rasool

Spiritual remedy for the Present Crisis Part one

Hafiz Gul Muhammad

A Sheikh came to a Magician and told him that Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala desires good for you, for what you have done. The magician couldn’t think of anything good he did the sheikh explained to him. A old lady knocked on his door, when he opened it she didn’t say anything, he asked her but she didn’t reply, this happened three times.
After she went away he heard the cries of her children when he approached her house. The old lady felt she couldn’t beg from people after asking and begging to Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala, so when the magician heard the cries of her children. He gave her food and clothes and when the sheikh explained this to him he became Muslim.

Sidi Hassan Rasool

The nourishment of the body ends up as nourishment of the soul

The nourishment of the soul can only enrich a person.

Sheikh Nuh Ha Min Keller

A Word of advice – Tell the truth

Corruption has appeared on land and sea because of what they have done and a bit of punishment is shown as a mercy to go back from sin

Body mind and sprit must be one

Inward must be sound for the outward to be sound

The sea change must change

When the trees get torn out of a forest what is left? Weeds.

The Masjid was the first thing build in Medina after the Hijra

Tawasul is a means to draw closer to Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala

A sect appeared that make takfir over other groups, conquered Mecca in 1806 and the removed in 1812. Until 1920 the Wahabis killed 4,000 hujaj (Hajji's) from Yemen.

A generation of Satan

The CIA has an office in the University of Ibn Wahab

They provide the financial support for 4,000 madrasas for the Deobandis
Jason burke was made to feel welcome in Afghanistan until he met an Egyptian who hated his guts.

Jihad is “Ibada Maqula” it has a specific purpose it is supposed to make an improvement.

Nothing has improved for the Muslims with these events. In fact the conditions are worse for the Muslims, there is no improvement.

Egyptians came to Afghanistan to spread the Wahabi doctrine

People see endless punishment
Essence of fascism is the cooperation of big corporations and government

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Sheikh Naeem Abdulwali

Mercy to Creation

You come back to life when you come back to Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala

The verb in Arabic Hayy (live) Haay (modesty) and Istahayyi (to give life) all come from the same root

The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) puts people back into the garden

The Kaaba is a reflection of a heavenly level in the seventh heaven, where Ibrahim (Upon him peace) was.

The Kaaba is covered a satir (covering)

Our sins are covered

The reason why the women is covered because of her womb, she is mercy and like the mercy of the Kaaba, the woman is covered. The woman has heaven under her feet because of her mercy.

Aminu means making safe and secure

Heaven is a place of security

How can you be proud of something you haven’t chosen, in being a Muslim

A bedwin asked the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) to call a tree, he did, the tree uprooted itself and came to him and the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) and the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) gave him a choice to be eaten by the righteous. The tree chose to do that, the tree chose to be in heaven to be eaten by the righteous.
If this is what the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) can do to a tree what about you?

Monday, January 16, 2006

Shaykh Abdul Raof Al Attas


First thing we need to do is to clarify three things

Where we are (condition)
Where we want to be (heaven)
How to get there (Quran and Sunna)

The Prophet Yaqub (Upon him peace) sons Yusuf (Upon him peace) wasn’t with him for a long time, he went to visit his son. Yusuf (Upon him peace) asked, “ we shall meet in heaven why did your put so much effort to see me.” Yaqub (Upon him peace) replied, “I wanted to see If Islam was alive in you.”

We need to keep Islam alive and do whatever we do for the sake of Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala.

Ibn Jawzi (May Allah's Ta'ala mercy be with him) was asked by his students for advice on his deathbed he said “Sincerity, sincerity, sincerity.”

Yusuf (Upon him peace) was gave an interpretation of someone’s dream and then ask him to mention him front of the Pharaoh but Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala didn’t want him to get that and he remained in jail. He has to ask Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala. Only Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala will give you position

Two things to remember

Give thanks to Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala
Then ask Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala

When Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala is with you don’t make up normal calculations

Ibrahim (Upon him peace) was in the fire (that the people of Nimrod set up for him) for 3 days and he said that was the best time.

Musa (Upon him peace) and his people came to the sea and he said that Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala was him.

Power is only Allah’s Subhanu wa Ta’ala

Islam is the world power

You can only look for something you have lost

If your windscreen is dirty you can go anywhere (you have to clean the screen!)

Medicine is bitter at first then sweet afterwards

Monday, January 09, 2006

Sheikh Abdul hakim Murad

Commentary on the Burda

We need to re-orientate the soul to deserve the gift given to those who wish to open their eyes and see the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) in our dreams

Nothing in creation can prepare us for the beauty, which is comparable to seeing the beauty of the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him)

The enemy retreats when mud settles in the sea

The one who is happy with the remembrance of Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala

This was one of the ways of the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him), he was beautiful

The truthful one is constantly reminded of Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala in everything in our life. The Kafir is the opposite.

Man needs constant reassurance that’s his nature.

Imam Busari (May Allah's Ta'ala mercy be with him) called the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) the biggest sign

Everything represents Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala. Only a human being can represent qualities of Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala

Divine nature, our nature is to incline to beauty rather than rigour

We are venerable, the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) represents all of the divine names

He is kind to the believers

Muslim soldiers look for people to protect

Rumi (May Allah's Ta'ala mercy be with him) said “Taking the sword point from the madman is part of being Muslim.”

Imam Ali (May Allah Ta'ala enoble his face) was the best of openings, spiritual openings.

The internal beast needs to be slaughtered

Rumi (May Allah's Ta'ala mercy be with him) said “Youth is man, he is our friend."

Someone must be holy before you can become a holy warrior

Somehow we are out of touch with the beloved, the tents have folded

“Who is going to help me restrain this stallion?”

The ego demands witnesses

Relics of a world religion, we have a memory of a better time

We sit on a stallion trying to acknowledge the problems of ourselves

We need to acknowledge our problems;
Lost our way
We messed up
Take the medicine of the Prophetic qualities

When things are hopeless, don’t worry, we have been told this would happen by the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him)

Imam Hajar (May Allah's Ta'ala mercy be with him) commentary

“Life is the brother of death.” Said Prophet (peace and blessings upon him)

Real darkness in Arabia left when the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) gave life to the Muslims

We are like sheep munching grass unable to contemplate

Submission to Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala is hard to draw out tears of blood

Allah’s Subhanu wa Ta’ala Merchandise comes at a high price and you’ll be given

Is there anyone who will roll up there sleeves for Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala? we are the ones who will

The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) is a reflection of the divine like the sun is reflected on the moon

His light is beautiful reflection. The most perfect representative of the divine

Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala takes people out of the darkness into the light

The shadows

Shadows need light, this world is a reflection and shadows. There can never be absolute darkness without light and nothing is absolute except Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala

Imam Busri (May Allah's Ta'ala mercy be with him) is giving us a hard lesson

Forgiven his faults, he was never complacent

The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) was a thankful servant

Despite the high degree, he is still working hard, look at the reason for it. This is the highest station

“My eye sleeps but my heart doesn’t sleep.” Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) said.

Intensive abstinence of the things of the world

Death is the precious gift to believe

“Poverty is my pride.” We should call ourselves the poor. They are the ones who need help, Allah is free from all needs and wants.

Prostration of helplessness is what we have

A grateful slave

We have forgotten how to be poor

Joy of the believer is to remember the garden. Anything where Dhikr is towards Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala. The garden is where we feel at ease.

You need a hard forgiveness

His choice of poverty

His form is not like our forms he was fed by Allah, but we cannot fast like the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) fasted. Ibn Hajar (May Allah's Ta'ala mercy be with him) said he is being given strength, it doesn’t mean he didn’t feel hungry or feel the pain of hunger. He used to tie a rope and a stone around his stomach.

He made the choice to be hungry

Unimaginable treasures were offered to him (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him), but he refused

Gold is called dhb because it goes. (the word for go is spelt the same)

Money is called mil so it is mal, which inclines

The world dunya is the lowest thing

Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala sent Gibril to the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) to ask if he wanted mountains of gold, he refused.

He was undisputed leader of Arabia yet he didn’t take from the public funds “bait al mal”

Always remember poverty we need money comforts. He never ate his fill

We should be considered this money

Legimate to take financial consideration when a father marries his daughter to someone

A scholar married a woman
He pretended to be half deaf when he was alone with his wife for the first time when she released wind and he pretended for the rest of his life with her. He didn't want to hurt her feelings

Work for the world for the proportion (for time you will spend there)
Work for the afterlife in the proportion (for time you will spend there)
Work for Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala in your need for him

Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) “What have I got to with the world as someone who takes a rest under a tree and then goes.”

Hands should be empty of property

Zuhud is not to see anything but Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala

Whenever your turn, there is the creation of Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala

A Sufi from Kufa says “Does the dunya have any value with you, when it doesn’t have an value in the first place."

Prophet (peace and blessings upon him), “Renounce the dunya and Allah will love you. Renounce what is in peoples hands and the people will love you.”

Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala is without needs and is perfect

Time is his creation

The purpose of this world is to (to give a place to) worship

The moments of the Prophets (peace and blessings upon him) prayer was the reason the world was created

When we kiss the black stone we are confirming our allegiance

Sira are subjections of hadith

A believer should walk gently on the earth

Where dead people are being questioned

An Arab is called Arab and a wandering arab is called arabi

Adam (Upon him peace) language was Syriac

8% Syrians are non Muslim and 10% of Egypt and 1% in turkey

There is a universal attraction of the Prophetic message

85% of the Muslims are not Arab

The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him)
“There is no difference between Arab and a non Arab except in piety.”

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Habib Ali Jifri

Uniting for the Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Part Six

Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) name is Insan Al kamil, The complete human being.

The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) was a manifestation of virtuous and pure character

When he was stoned by the people of Ta’if, he complained about his own state, his own weakeness.

Helplessness is empowering if you complain to Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Ibrahim Al Yaqoubi

Uniting for the Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Part Five

(He was given an introduction and he came onto the stage in tears because he didn’t feel worthy of being mentioned at a talk on which the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) was the subject.)

We have to throw away all our pride and we have to go to Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him)

He considered himself imperfect

He wasn’t he was the best of creation, he was creation.

Prophethood was summed up in him(peace and blessings upon him), In him (peace and blessings upon him) is perfection.

Twenty minutes is too short a time to talk about him

He said that he could talk about his own imperfections

Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala has put someone like this to turn us away from the dunya.

At the end of every prayer, the salat on the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) is a conversation “Salam alik aiuhal Nabi…”

We need to practice our love for the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) how could we sit with him, when we don’t do as he says.

The one who practises the sunna is the one who you should learn from

Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala loves only as much as we love him

All of the examples of man are flawed except the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him)

“Home”(Heaven) is the easiest address, turn right and go straight.

We cannot love Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala without loving the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him)

Don’t you miss the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him)?

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Sheikh Nuh Ha min Keller

Uniting for the Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Part Four

(All the other speakers stood up and delivered their speeches he sat down on a prayer matt made a dua and after several minutes of silence said.)

Imam Jazuli said “when the truth appears nothing remains"

Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala has the power to do all things

The Physical world exists to represent something higher

We love people for something in them, Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala has all these and more in fact, no shape exists

Imam Ghazali (May Allah's Ta'ala mercy be with him)retreated from public life after being in a meeting with people who have been employed by the Sultans

“If the wage wasn’t there I would be.” Abdul-wakeel Ad-Daroubi said.

He doesn’t ask anyone to do anything, he just does it

If your knowledge isn't light, if its doesn't work forever “junk” it.

Don’t be inclined to luxury

Help others and don’t help yourself.

The knowledge of the inward should be what your concerned with and an alim should be most interested in this

One should be humbled by true knowledge

Abu Madyan (May Allah's Ta'ala mercy be with him) said “One should look at his spiritual works as useless.”

One who knows his work and thinks that they are for showing off.

The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) asked for forgiveness 70 times a day because he was increasing in rank everyday

Look at what validates and invalidates works

The purity of the hearts is the purity of Dhikr

A scholr refused to accept the judgement of a scholar who did not read 2 Juz of the Quran a day.

The deen binds hearts to Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala, If he doesn’t have the ilm that englistens the heart, its not light.

There was a general election somewhere and someone had put a sticker on a hot fan machine in the toilet. It said “Press hear to hear the government talk.”

Imam Ghazali (May Allah's Ta'ala mercy be with him) said “We have to love Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala but we also have to fear him and we are in the middle of this and we know if we disobey him we can do two things. Either turn further away in ignorance or ask for forgiveness and we will attain forgiveness.”

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Sheikh Hamza Yusuf

Uniting for the Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Part Three

There is always something new in store for you when you have heard a hadith before and your heart is open.

If we have forgotten about the deaf its because we don’t hear. (He commented on person signing for the deaf.)

In sign language the sign for the Americans is guns blazing (similar to a cowboy stance with hands in a pistol shape, at waist height.)

The sign for the British is jaw moving (he puts his hand on his jaw and moved it side to side)

The Americans go in all guns blazing and the British talk too much, he found this out from a deaf Arab.

People assume that they can’t speak.

Chivalry is to listen to a completed thought he (the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him)) never interrupted peoples speech.

The meaning of Usama is a leaping lion and the meaning of Hamza is a roaring lion.

There were non Muslims who couldn’t understand the Quran but understood the Character of the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him)

The Crusaders brought back soap with them and washed themselves.

It took 500 years for amount of converts to reach 50% in Syria

Paraclete means Intercessor (The name of the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) in the Bible)

By their fruits thee shall know

We need to live Islam

The Sahaba didn’t have anger, they did what they did for Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala not for their own needs.

200 years ago less than 30 people in London started a movement that abolished slavery.

What destroys people is arrogance

If there is an Alliance to help weak people, we should be there

We cannot be a people of hatred

We should desire guidance

Those who show mercy, Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala will show mercy to them

When kings conquer a city, they ask the leader, “If you’re angry then it can’t be for Allah.” Subhanu wa Ta’ala

The Muslims were already in Europe during the 8th century when Christianity came to Britain.
Those who disgrace the messenger, disgrace the religion

You should be concerned in looking for where you are going

Broaden your horizons

Understand the Quran and study the Sira

The word mawlid is noun of time and place it is also a masdar (nominalised noun). You cannot deny the masdar.

The grammarian was on a boat and asked the man, “have you studied grammar?”
He said “no.”
“Then you have wasted your life.” The boat began to sink,
“Have to learn how to swim?”
“Then you are about to lose your life.”

Vessels can only pour out what they contain

Imam Haddad (May Allah's Ta'ala mercy be with him) prayed Fajr and there was people waiting to shake his hand. He shook hands with the inhabitants of the city and he was asked why he did that. He said, “Why shouldn’t I shake hands with the people who think that I am worth the wait.”

It’s a honour for me to be here with you today.

Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) colour is green, the first and the last colour that can be seen with the eye.

He is the first and final Prophet (peace and blessings upon him).

Each Prophet (Upon them peace) has a colour, red is the earth colour for Musa (Upon him peace). The colour of the dome in Medina is green for a reason.

It needs to green with Iman not envy.

Sheikh Ahmed Ba'bikr Al Sudani/Sheikh Pirzada/ Shiekh Abdulhakim Murad/ Sheikh Martin lings/Shiekh Hasan Gia Eaton

Uniting for the Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Part Two

Sheikh Ahmed Ba'bikr As-Sudani

We will find Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala where we find the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him)

Our only pleasure is to remember Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him)

There is nothing more inspiring that Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him)

Enjoy your deen and invite people thru mercy, address them with a kind word.

If we can give (represent) the example of Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) the people would come to us.

Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) didn’t turn down anyone’s request down, ever, even a kafir.

We need to leave the ego.

Sheikh M. I .H Pirzada

The Nur (light) that came from the Mother of the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) whilst she had him in her womb illuminated the palaces of Syria.

And now we can see how far the Nur of Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) has spread across the world.

Shiekh Abdul Hakim Murad

Takwa (peity) as The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) said has its place as the heart and the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) pointed to the heart 3 times.

It’s the hearts that have brought us here and brought it back to life.

“The heart is in the world but not of it.”

Martin lings

Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala has given us 2 gifts the Koran and the second is Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him).

There are those who receive the religion and those who follow.

Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) is still with us by our coping his character.

Shiekh Hasan (Charles) Gia Eaton

People live in a narrow existence

Obey the trust that Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala gave us

He had a character of moderation, he disliked extreme behaviour. He did everything in moderation.

Extremist have egotistical anger and say its permissible.

Muslims fight without anger. When Ali (may Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala be pleased with him) wounded a man, he spat on him. Ali (may Allah Subhanu wa Ta’ala be pleased with him) became angry, so he withdrew his sword and didn’t kill that man. (With his anger.)

The characteristics of anger are ugly

Disunity is our problem, “You are wrong, I am right” mode.

There were two Iranians thinking who would go to heaven “not the Shia so the Sunnis but the general public are not religious and the scholars oppress people. And that leaves you and me and I am not sure about you!”

We should think the best about people unless we have overwhelming evidence.

Its better to look foolish than to lack trust.

Sidi Moez Massod / Sheikh Jihad Brown

Uniting for the Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Part one

Sidi Moez Masood

The Mawlid is celebrated in over 50 countries in languages such as Farsi, swalia, Urdu, Arabic. Etc.

Sheikh Jihad Brown

The ocean of Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) is unlimited love. If you get lost in it, it’s ok as long as you don’t get out.

It is by the gift of Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) that we know Allah ta’ala and how to live.
Reason d’atere = reason for being.

Mercy only comes into this world because of Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him).

Allah ta’ala has 99 parts of mercy with him, we are reminded that Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) is a gift from Allah Subhanu wa ta'ala, the greatest human potential.

He is “The example” and when his example is left (not followed) the people become beasts.

Be Honest with oneself and creator and stand in front of suffering without waning.